Top 10 Visual Merchandising Tips

Every second counts in retail.

Make it captivating with visual merchandising, POS, POP, and graphic installations.

When potential customers walk past your store, you have mere moments to ignite their curiosity and draw them in. Visual merchandising is your secret weapon, transforming your space into an inspiring haven that fuels both engagement and sales.

Imagine months of meticulous planning poured into stunning window displays and compelling in-store experiences. That's the dedication behind every captivating store you see. Now, it's your turn to create magic!

What is Visual Merchandising?

Ever wonder why certain stores magically draw you in the moment you step through the door? It's not just about the products themselves. The answer lies in the art of visual merchandising.

Think beyond mannequins and price tags. Visual merchandising is the strategic use of space, displays, lighting, color, and more to transform your store into an immersive experience. It's about telling a story with your products, highlighting their value, and emotionally connecting with your customers.

Benefits of visual merchandising:

  • Boost sales: Studies show that effective visual merchandising can increase sales by up to 200%.

  • Attract customers: Eye-catching displays stop shoppers in their tracks and entice them to explore your store.

  • Create brand identity: A consistent visual language across your displays reinforces your brand values and builds trust.

  • Enhance customer experience: Pleasant and engaging environments make shoppers feel welcome and valued, leading to repeat business.

How can I improve my visual merchandising?

Got amazing products, but crickets in your aisles? Bland displays won't cut it! Visual merchandising is your secret weapon to turn browsers into buyers. By highlighting your products' best features and crafting an inspiring shopping experience, you'll maximize sales and keep customers coming back for more. But how do you improve your visual merchandising?

1. Use Window Displays

Your window display is your silent salesperson, making the critical first impression that decides if customers venture in or walk by. Did you know effective window displays can boost sales by a whopping 42%

Eye-Catching Color & Quirky Props:
Ditch the ordinary! Utilize bold colors and unique props that stand out from the street, snagging attention and sparking curiosity.

Sparkle & Shine:
Ensure your windows are impeccably clean and well-lit. While bright lights work wonders, consider soft illumination around key products for a high-end, captivating effect.

Embrace Seasonality & Trends:
Keep your displays fresh and relevant by reflecting seasonal changes and trending products. This dynamic approachkeeps customers engaged and eager to see what's new.

2. Use Way Finding Signage and Vinyl

Shoppers on a mission with a list? Don't let them get lost! Make their journey seamless with clear and compelling directional signage. This guide reveals how to highlight key areas and drive sales through smart signage:

Targeted Keywords:
Use relevant keywords throughout your signage, like "products", "sale", "customer service", to attract organic search traffic looking for specific items.

Strategic Placement:
Leverage ceiling space with suspended posters for immediate visibility upon entry. Floor stickers offer an affordable alternative and can be strategically placed near key areas.

Enticing Language:
Captivate customers with intriguing words like "sale", "new arrivals", or simply clear directional arrows. Encourage exploration and spark impulse purchases with engaging prompts.

3. Update and Move with Trends & Seasons.

Don't let stagnant displays lull customers into boredom! Regular theme updates are your secret weapon for staying fresh, attracting footfall, and skyrocketing sales.

Fresh Themes, Monthly:
Experts recommend updates every month (or at least 6 times a year). Align themes with your product line or trending events.

Seasonal Sizzle:
Fashion retailer? Embrace the trend! Highlight must-have colorslike yellow in eye-catching window displays.

Retention Rocket:
Keep returning customers engaged! A new, exciting area or decorative addition reignites their love for your store.

Cohesive Charm:
Maintain a consistent style across signs and displays for a visually pleasing, branded environment.

Material Magic:
Harness the power of materials! Wood evokes a rustic feel (e.g.,cafes), while plastics and metal scream modernity (e.g., fashion retail)

4. Make shopping an exciting experience

Sensory retail isn't just a trend, it's a full-blown revolution. Today's shoppers crave experiences, not just transactions. They want to leave your store with memorable stories, gushing about how amazing it was. So, ditch the predictable aisles and make your store stand out!

Engage their senses with a carefully curated blend of:

Uplifting music:
Create a positive vibe that gets customers humming tunes long after they leave.

Enticing aromas:
Think freshly baked bread in a bakery or calming lavender in a spa. Smell plays a powerful role in memory and emotion!

Dramatic lighting:
Use warm tones for a welcoming atmosphere or strategic spotlights to highlight key products.

Retail giants are leading the charge with innovative sensory experiences! Harrods electrifies the atmosphere with pulsating live DJ sets, while Tesco engages families with playful egg hunts hidden throughout their stores. And who can forget the mouthwatering magic of Cadbury's recent "Secret Santa 2023" campaign, where every unwrapping was a multi-sensory delight?

Sensory strategies and the benefits:

Increased dwell time:
Engaged customers stay longer, browse more, and spend more.

Emotional connection:
Sensory cues create positive memories, fostering brand loyalty.

Word-of-mouth marketing:
Happy customers become your best brand ambassadors.

5. Spark desire and connection: Show customers why it matters

Bring your product to life:
Go beyond static displays. Show garments styled to inspire complete outfits, like a mannequin wearing a matching top and skirt. This not only helps envision the product in their own wardrobe, but also increases average order value through clever upselling.

Tap into emotions:
Stories and experiences resonate. Showcase your product in action, whether it's a mesmerizing vacuum demo or a mannequin sporting a Valentine's Day outfit. Use colors, signs, and themes to evoke positive emotions, creating a connection that leads to action.

Be authentic:

Gymshark’s new flagship store is a great example of a brand connecting with their audience, Gymshark's flagship store on Regency Street, London features figures sculpted from real members of their community, each one a testament to diverse bodies and genuine representation.In today's world, this commitment to authenticity resonates deeply, proving that Gymshark truly connects with its audience on a human level.

6. Use Strategic Product Placement to Skyrocket Average Order Value.

Beyond storytelling, unleash the power of targeted displays:
Understand your customer personas and tailor displays to their specific needs. For impulse buyers? Showcase small, low-cost items near checkout, in aisle bins, and on clip strips near relevant products, with clear, eye-catching signage.

Strategic placement fuels impulse purchases:
Remember, these are last-minute decisions. Upsell effectively by positioning these items in high-traffic areas like the checkout zone.

Cross-merchandising: Convenience meets AOV boost:
Showcase complementary products side-by-side to make shopping smoother and encourage larger purchases. Think nuts and chips near the alcohol aisle, or salsa and sour cream next to tortilla chips. Break free from traditional categories and create enticing pairings!

Display stands: Your product heroes' spotlight:
Highlight your best products, discounts, offers, and new launches with visually impactful display stands. Choose from ladder shelves, plinths, dump bins, and FSDUs to suit your needs. Place them strategically at aisle ends or the store entrance to maximize visibility and capitalize on foot traffic.

7. Empower Customers with Informative POS

Silence the question storm with a self-service solution:
Customers often prefer independent exploration, so empower them with an informative POS acting as their silent guide. This is especially crucial for technical products where inquiries are likely.

Information is power: Equip your products:
Don't leave customers searching for answers. Display clear specifications, pricing, store policies, and promotions directly on or near your products. Think detailed descriptions, bullet points, and eye-catching visuals for easy comprehension.

8. Conquer Chaos: The Power of Organized Retail

Customers crave order, not clutter:
A disorganized store, messy sale, or chaotic clothing rack sends them running for the hills – it's simply not worth the effort to search for hidden gems.

Take a cue from large supermarkets:
dedicate daily tidying moments for staff. Replenish shelves, face products for visual appeal, and close those tempting gaps that scream "empty shelves."

Limited staff? No problem!
Tools like shelf dividers and merchandising hooks become your silent heroes, keeping stock organized and evenly spaced throughout the day.

9. Unleash Your Inner Showstopper: Embrace Creativity

Forget the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary!
Captivating window displays are more than just product showcases - they're an invitation to enter a world of wonder. Think beyond the predictable and unleash your creativity with unusual props and narratives that grab attention and keep customers coming back for more.

Take inspiration from the masters. Fashion giant Moschino is renowned for their jaw-dropping displays, featuring penguins in suits, Santa in therapy, and even melting mannequins amidst a summer ice cream feast. These seemingly bizarre themes spark curiosity, ignite conversation, and ultimately, drive customers into the store.

10. Maximize Every Inch:

Attract customers before they even enter your store! Utilize all available space with these visual merchandising tips:

1. Conquer the Sidewalk:
Don't let pavement space go to waste! High-impact pavement signs grab attention and boost footfall.

2. Navigate with Ease:
Supermarkets and department stores? Ceiling space is your friend! Suspended posters and directional signage guide customers effortlessly.

3. Floor Space Transformation:
Command attention with freestanding display units and dump bins, strategically placed to attract customers and influence their flow.

4. Snap Frames: Information On Point:
Display clear, professional messages with snap frames for opening times, contact details, return policies, and more.

5. Walls: Your Communication Canvas:
Utilize wall space wisely to showcase promotions, products, or brand stories.

Ready to transform your store into a captivating customer experience?

By implementing these top 10 visual merchandising tips and leveraging the expertise of Retail Creations, you'll unlock a world of possibilities:

  • Increased footfall and brand awareness: Attract passersby with stunning window displays and strategic signage.

  • Enhanced customer engagement: Create interactive and informative displays that spark curiosity and desire.

  • Boosted sales and AOV: Encourage impulse purchases and guide customers towards high-value products.

  • Improved brand image and customer satisfaction: Deliver a cohesive and memorable shopping experience.

Retail Creations can bring your visual merchandising vision to life. Our experienced team specializes in project-managed graphic installs and retail POS installations, ensuring seamless execution across single stores or multi-site rollouts.

Let's collaborate! Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you:


Mastering the Multi-Store Rollout.


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